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Although we are not subject to United States law, we voluntarily comply with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Pursuant to Title 17, Section 512(c)(2) of the United States Code, if you believe that any of your copyrighted material is being infringed on the Website, we have designated an agent to receive notifications of claimed copyright infringement. Notifications should be e-mailed to or sent to:

CumCraze - who we are?

CumCraze is the largest independent provider of free adult movies and one of the major portals of pornographic videos, webcam models, pornographic photographs, encyclopaedia of porn stars, and incorporates social networking features. CumCraze serves as a pornographic media aggregator. Video clips from professional videos are mixed with amateur and other types of content.

CumCraze is Web 2.0 (or Porn 2.0) site, which differs from many other pornographic websites in that it is completely free to use and only ad-supported. Since launching in April 2008, it grew to become the one of the most popular pornographic website on the internet.

As of September 2019, it was the 800st most popular website overall and the eighth most popular pornographic website in the world and held an Alexa ranking within the world's top 800 sites. Now, CumCraze is one of the biggest independent, not affiliated to any network, pornographic video site.

CumCraze as a technology leader

CumCraze is also the technology leader in the industry. We were the first to display real full HD quality pornographic videos and became a pioneer in providing online free pornographic materials in full HD quality, as the first page with this content. Also, CumCraze enabled full service (uploading and watching) video in Full HD 1080p quality and in 2010 video in 60FPS.

CumCraze became also one of the first major adult pornographic video sharing website with free Ultra HD (4k) videos with horizontal display resolution of approximately 4,000 pixels and first with this service available for users for free. CumCraze became also one of the first major adult pornographic video sharing website with free Virtual Reality videos.

In 2015, CumCraze introduced full support for advanced MPEG-DASH, which allows almost limitless control over the video stream. The player can change the video bitrate and resolution in real time, also independently of the video audio bitrate. In 2017, website became one of the first major adult pornographic video sharing website to incorporate HTTPS encryption.

In 2019, CumCraze very quickly launched full responsive web design – an approach to web design that makes CumCraze render well on a variety of devices and window or screen sizes. As the second page in the industry CumCraze had animated video thumbnails, even before the introduction of this feature on the largest streaming site – YouTube.

CumCraze had animated video thumbnails. CumCraze is not only about the most innovative technology. It's also about the users. In 2008, CumCraze also had, as one of the first major pornographic video site, its own social networking features. Since then our social network grows constantly bringing together a large group of devoted fans.